EasWeb used annotation to tag and configure the framework. This is simplest and quickest. Of course, normal XML file configuration also can be used to configure the framework, but not implement now, only provider interface:
Configuration Annotations
Relative to the way of XML file configuration, the annotation configuration will parsed by
As below is the configuration annotations list: 1. @EasyConfigure Tag a class, make it as configuration class 2. @ScanPackages Indicate which packages need to be scan and where the Tag annotations annotated objects places 3. @RequestSuffixs Indicate the HTTP request path suffix for this framework 4. @BootstrapClass Indicate the class name which realize the interface Bootstrap 5. @ScanWay
ScanWayEnum.FILE_PATH : default value; apply for app deployed by folder
ScanWayEnum.ADVANCE : used third-party lib Reflections; apply for app deployed by war
Sample code:
If the configuration class also is bootstrap class whcih implemented type: com.openthinks.easyweb.context.Bootstrap and will use default package sacn way: ScanWayEnum.FILE_PATH
Tag Annotations
Exclude configuration anntations, the rest are used to tag or mark a component such as Java POJO class, class field, class method As below is the tag annotations list: 1. @Controller Tag a POJO class which take charge of interacting with a group of HTTP requests 2. @Filter Tag a POJO class which take charge of interacting with a group of HTTP filters 3. @Mapping Tag a method in Controller/Filter class, which take charge of interacting with one special HTTP request 4. @ResponseReturn Tag on the method which with Mapping, that will represent the response trait for the HTTP request 5. @Jsonp Tag on the method which with Mapping, that will represent the response as JSONP data format 6. @AutoComponent Tag on the filed in Controller/Filter class, which represent a autowire field
Sample code: default controller name and value(path); interactive HTTP URL: http://localhost:8080/easywebexample/
special controller value(path); interactive HTTP URL: http://localhost:8080/easywebexample/welcome/
special controller name and value(path); interactive HTTP URL: http://localhost:8080/easywebexample/welcome/login/
NOTE: All sample in this documentation will based on project easywebexample, which context root is: /easywebexample; request suffixs: *.do,*.htm
Last updated