Quick Start

Add dependency to pom.xml


Configure project by annotationed POJO class

 * File name:com.openthinks.easywebexample.EasyWebConfigure
@ScanPackages({ "com.openthinks.easywebexample" })
public class EasyWebConfigure{}

Enable easyweb in web.xml


Create Controller with POJO class

public class HelloController {
    public String index() {
        return "hello.jsp";

Deploy app to web container and run

After deploy your web application to Servlet container(Tomcat/Resin)

Access by URL: http://localhost:8080/easywebexample/index.htm or http://localhost:8080/easywebexample/index.do to get page which render by hello.jsp

easywebexample is app web root context.

Last updated